Have you seen the posters up around college this morning? This week is Safety Week and we will be raising awareness on how students can keep themselves safe in various scenarios and circumstances and also how and where they can access support.
We have a number of workshops available such as personal safety training, active bystander training and also unblurred lines training which is about consent and relationships.
Students can also drop into iDEA sessions for students throughout the week, if they still need to complete their Bronze Citizen section. The badges that students were asked to complete on their iDEA have a focus on social media ethics, e-safety and online etiquette. These will run between 12.00-4.00 on Monday and Thursday at Wakefield and 12.00-4.00 on Tuesday and Friday at Castleford.
You will also hopefully notice the poster campaign that will be running throughout the week which focuses on violence against women #notjustbanter