Wakefield College News

Have your say and register to vote in the local Elections! Deadline 16th April 2024!

Have your say and register to vote in the local Elections! Deadline 16th April 2024!

by Jo Talbot-Paterson -
Number of replies: 0

We want to encourage all our students to register to vote (you can register at 16, but you can't vote until you are 18) for the local elections but also in preparation for when they call the General Election. 

To register please visit Register to vote - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk) or you can scan the QR in the poster below. 

To register, all you need is your National Insurance number, but when you vote you need to have photoID. 

Click here for Accepted forms of photo ID | Electoral Commission

For those students who do no have ID like a passport or driving licence you can apply for a PASS card for free below:  

Students can get a FREE Voter ID from CitizenCard using the code 'NUS'!

NUS have teamed up with CitizenCard to offer a FREE Voter ID (usually £18) to any student or young person who needs it.

Sign up for your FREE CitizenCard herehttps://www.nus.org.uk/citizencard



Attachment Register to Vote poster.jpg