Are you caring for someone at home?

Are you caring for someone at home?

by Carol Price -
Number of replies: 0

Wakefield Council are in the process of picking up the support of young carers (previously done by Barnardos) and looking into what they can offer to young carers across Wakefield District. As part of the offer, the youth work team are currently planning a young carer’s group which will run once a month across the three different areas of Wakefield: Wakefield central, the South East and Five Towns.

A first planning meeting has been organised Monday 26th October  at 5.30pm at The Hut, Airedale, for young people to attend to enable them to voice their views and opinions on the group and what it will entail. If you are interested in going along next week to voice your views or would like to seek support from them at other times please get in touch with me on and I will send you full details and a referral form.