The Government guidance that we do not need to wear face coverings in schools and Colleges from the 17 May is based on national case rates and on the reduction in hospital admissions and deaths resulting from the successful vaccine roll out.
Unfortunately, Wakefield, and our neighbouring districts, continue to have some of the highest case rates in the country. A significant proportion of these cases are in children and young people and the NHS is only now beginning to vaccinate the over 40s. Given the situation in Wakefield, the Local Authority has recommended the continued wearing of face coverings in all secondary schools.
As a result, we will continue to wear face coverings in College. This includes classrooms, communal areas and where 2 metres social distancing cannot be maintained.
We will keep the situation under review but would ask that you continue to support the efforts to reduce transmission of Covid. There is evidence that masks support the reduction of transmission in enclosed spaces. However, it is also vital we maintain all the other control measures including social distancing, lateral flow testing and rigorous hand hygiene.
As always if you have any symptoms of Covid you must self-isolate, inform College and get tested.